
Showing posts from June, 2023

Effective Acid Reflux Treatment: Say Goodbye to the Burn

Acid reflux is a common condition that occurs when the stomach's acidic contents flow back into the esophagus. This happens when the lower esophageal sphincter, a muscle at the bottom of the esophagus, fails to close properly. The result is a burning sensation in the chest, known as heartburn. Understanding the causes of acid reflux is essential in finding the most effective treatment. There are several factors that can contribute to the development of acid reflux. One of the main culprits is a weakened lower esophageal sphincter. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including obesity, smoking, and certain medications. Hiatal hernias, which occur when a portion of the stomach protrudes into the chest cavity, can also lead to acid reflux. Symptoms of Acid Reflux and GERD Recognizing the symptoms of acid reflux is crucial for getting the appropriate treatment. The most common symptom is heartburn, a burning sensation that often occurs after eating or when lying down. Other sym

An Overview of Different Types of Reconstructive Surgery

Reconstructive surgery encompasses a wide range of procedures aimed at repairing damaged tissue caused by various factors such as birth defects, traumatic injuries, severe burns, or disease. According to Plastic Surgeons, over 1 million reconstructive surgery procedures are performed each year. This article will discuss the different types of reconstructive surgery, with a focus on facial reconstruction surgery, nose reconstruction surgery, and the best reconstructive surgery hospitals to consider for these procedures. 1. Facial Reconstruction Surgery Facial reconstruction surgery is a specialized branch of reconstructive surgery that focuses on restoring the normal appearance and function of the face. There are various reasons why someone may require facial reconstruction surgery, including congenital abnormalities, trauma, burns, or cancer. Some of the most common types of facial reconstructive surgery include: Skin Grafts and Flaps Skin grafts involve the transplantation of healthy

All You Need To Know About Lumbar Microdiscectomy

A minimally invasive surgical procedure called lumbar disc microsurgery is performed to treat lumbar disc herniation. The lumbar disc and the nerves that are near it are readily visible thanks to a specialized microscope used in this procedure. The surgeon can see the tissues more clearly and have greater access to the lumbar disc thanks to the enhanced view provided by this microscope. The benefit of using this minimally invasive surgical method is that the nearby structures sustain little damage. Causes of Lumbar Microdiscectomy Usually, conservative therapies like rest, physical therapy, and corticosteroid injections are performed first, and lumbar disc microsurgery is only a possibility if these therapies are ineffective after six weeks for the patient. Although lumbar microdiscectomy is thought to be a highly effective lumbar spine treatment that can quickly reduce pain, surgery is not always necessary. The primary reason for lumbar microdiscectomy is to treat lumbar disc hernia